Friday, November 17, 2006

International Food Laws and Regulations Course

International Food Laws and Regulations is a graduate level course offered by the Institute for Food Laws and Regulations at Michigan State University. The course surveys the food laws and regulations as well as the socio-economic dynamic which shapes the food laws of specific regions of the world including the US, Canada, UK, EU, Latin America, Japan, and India. It also surveys the role of international agencies in the application of food laws (WHO, FAO, Codex, WTO). The Lead Instructor is Neal D. Fortin, Director and Assistant Professor of the Institute for Food Laws & Regulations at Michigan State University, along with an international network of guest lecturers of attorneys, academics and former government officials who practice in that specific region and who understand the legal complexities of the flow of food and agricultural products across national boundaries.

Enrollment is now open for the winter term.

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